I know Mrs. Grapevine would like to know this: Blair Underwood is 43. A loooong way from "Krush Groove" where he cornily played the Russell Simmons character.
Trivia: Blair started out in 1968 on "One Life To Live".
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Invisible Woman
Labels: happy birthday
I loved that movie when I was a kid!
wow. i loved it too but it was kinda terrible. lol. was this sheila e.'s last film???
I appreciate it, however it was Set It Off that made me see him in a new light. Lately he has been playing the psycho abuser role, and he does such a good job that I'm almost convinced he's crazy. But...Psycho can be sexy, too. :)
Yeah, Happy Birthday Blair.
Mighty Movin. . . almost as corny as D.C. Cab. :D
Yeah I've been wondering what's up with all the psycho roles. I recently seen a b movie with him & Debbie Morgan. He played one of those crazy stalker dudes with BLOND hair. I almost had a stoke when I seen him. It was like that Shemar Moore fiasco.
@hotnikz: I MUST investigate that one. @jj: yes, it was a little bit terrible, haha
Blair aint have to take Run's Girl in this flick
Leave it to you Zilla, lol.
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