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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I Knew This BS Was Coming....

First the cover of "Today's Black Woman", now this. It is said that Elise Neal may play Karrine "Supahead" Steffans in a biopic.

Why, why, WHY is this woman given so much attention? Believe me, as I comment on this, there is absolutely no haterade involved, as some people like to accuse me of here and there--I have a good life...I just say what I feel.

As someone who has worked in entertainment, I know that it is one of the easiest feats in the world to eff a celebrity if you choose to. You basically just have to stand upright and have half a pulse. 99% of the time, they are either just amusing themselves or just seeing if they can get it. Example: One well-known rapper's opening line to me was "you know I wanna bone you right?"'s like shooting fish in a barrel to get with these guys.

So why is opening your legs and putting your mouth on someone cause celebre'? I could even allow if she was an interesting hoe, which she is not, just delusional. I am dumbfounded every time she calls herself "a great mother" (in her book she admits to leaving her son with various strangers for long stretches of time, without checking on him) or a "best-selling author" with her embarrassing elementary school style of writing. Check with Toni Morrison on that one.

What does make her different from the thousands of other women who have similar stories (whether they went there or not) is that Supahead's mouth (and other holes) are 20 sizes bigger in a shameless quest for fame at any cost. I agree with Jamie Foxx and the moniker he bestowed her on his radio show: "Pre-paid hooker". Please let this movie go to the nearest dusty 99 cent DVD bin.

For a funny post about Supaho, click here.


Anonymous said...

When will this chick go away? I hope the movie goes str8 to dvd.

Chocl8t said...

So sad. I can only shake my head like the old ladies and say "Lawd, please hep that chile find her way."

However, the dark side of me thinks she's about to, ahem, blow that mic! LOL

Thembi Ford said...

Damn IW, you tore her up! LOL.

"Best Selling Author" - I can't take it.

Linda Jones Malonson said...

Ok IW ... I so agree with you. You nailed her ass to the truth, but what are we to do --- seems like giving the right person a blow job move one up the ladder.

Thanks for dropping in, I have been off line for awhile and got a lot of catching up to do here.

justjudith said...

word. and times have changed 'cause there was a time that nobody wanted to be famous for what she's famous for. but you know what -- the fact that she may get her own biopic says more about US than her. if nobody was buying we'd never hear from her again. so, stop giving her money and cross your fingers! she might go away. i'm kinda hoping that holds true for several celebrities...

Shanna Miles-Author said...

Wow, is the scene that bad for black actresses that Elise Neal has to play Superhead?

I am so tired of hoing being portrayed as a viable career choice for young girls. I mean why would you want to be a secretary or a Marketing exec if you can be rich AND famous just be becoming a human vacuum cleaner.

Anonymous said...

I listened to her on the Foxx show I could only feel sadness for her. I could only think what happened to her that set her on this path.

DB said...

i can only say that sex sells. and sex with famous people sells more. i personally don't need to see a movie about this girl but hey, if Master P can be allowed to make movies then why not Super Ho. it's just sad that all the brothers and sisters who make news, do it for negative news.

Erika said...

I actually bought her first book. So I think I am a fan. I've seen her twice on flicks. I do think the concept is nice. She goes from famous porn star to a book author. But she does tell other women not to take the course she chose. Her lifestyle as a porn star is magnified. She is still a human just like each one of us.

af said...

i cudent hav sed it better myself haha!!

i chekd out her book from the library and just really havnt felt like reading it....

she's out there...leaving her kids w/ random people, dating/engaging herself w/ "eddie winslow" haha

Invisible Woman said...

@everyone except for db and erika: agreed 10 times over...@db and erika; sorry can't co-sign on that, i just happen to think she's useless except as a "human vacuum cleaner" as l.l. put it, as but to each his own :-)

Anonymous said...

Word has it that this jump off has a collection of sex tapes with her and different famous "friends" in a bank vault.

So when her checks stop coming, I guess we can look foreward to those!

Erika said...

She is a smart woman, I think in her own way. Besides ladies who of us hasnt sung on the mic? Lets not hate her for what she's done.

coloredgirlswhohaveconsidered said...

I don't get it....
Frank Lucas who has destroyed countless lives can't generate this much contempt.
Which of these men did she rape?

DB said...

all i'm saying is sex sells. we watch movies like Scarface, American Gangsta and New Jack City and label them classics. a movie about a gold digger is nothing.

Invisible Woman said...

Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no problem with sex. I even think it takes some wits and intelligent saavy to be a sucessful drug dealer or gold digger. But anyone that's brain dead can f__k anyone from Urkel on up and then blab to anyone who'll listen. Kissing and telling is low and tired. And for you to act like you're smart or something special beacause of it? Whatever.