I always wonder why Samuel Jackson takes on so many movie roles...I mean it can't be the money...is it ego? An unquenchable lust for world dominating fame? A flaming desire to be in "The Guinness Book of World Records" for most acting roles ever by a single human being?

Sam's baldy in one of those Star Wars movies.Sam's old man grey receding do in "Black Snake Moan".
His "Langston Hughes" in something I never heard of.
His widow's peak dready thing in...hmmm....I don't know this one either. I think it was "The Man".
His "fried, dyed, and laid to the side" in "Eve's Bayou".

The dreads in "Caveman's Valentine".
His "serious" hair in "Changing Lanes".
You get the idea...there are many, many, more, but that would take up pages of this blog's space. Not to mention the 8,000 Kangol caps he has (I think he has 50% stock in the company). We get it Sam, but there are only so many hairstyles a black man can do. Unless you are willing to do a full fledged tranny with Yaki #5, 18 inch, just give it a rest for a while, kay?
Update: How can I forget? Regina and LaJane reminded me of his "young Frederick Douglas" (lol!) in "Unbreakable":
And his long red ponytail (with braided and beaded beard) in "Jackie Brown":

LOL. I like when actors change their appearance. I was looking at Larenz Tate the other night. Dude always looks the same to me. I'm sayin.
LOL, yeah he does like to flip it though. The first one was alright, more dignified.
LOL, I think you might be on to something IW, HA!
So sad!! I am in tears over here! You didn't mention that wig he wore in "Unbreakable" that was a hot mess!
LOL! But you gotta give it up to this man for trying to be versatile!
REGINA that wig was "young Frederick Douglas"
You forgot the bald red ponytail w/ beard rattail in Jackie Brown.
@blackactor: I know! I always think the same thing about him too...I was LMBAO when in "Dead Presidents" they tried to make him look old and rundown with make-up...he looked like a kid in a costume, haha.
@shelia and clnmike--it is funny, but you know I'm right :-)
thanks Regina and LaJane, I'm slippin'...how could I forget that side-parted fright wig? And admittedly, all I could remember of him in Jackie Brown was his Kangol; I forgot about that atrocious ponytail!
LMAO...You need to stop...ya'll leave ole Sam alone.
ok...ok...the do from Unbreakable was just unbearable...and the braided beard in Jackie Brown..I'm still tryin to figure out WTF that was all about.
Damn is this a picture for every movie he has done. You have Samuel L gallery. :)
LOL @ the Unbreakable hair! What a hot mess!
BTW, does he scream in his latest release?
Yaki no.5 girl you crazy,LMBAO!I was jus lookin at his ass today in The Negotiator,with a low cut red one on!He might be hiding all that money in some offshore accounts or somethin.Just in case of divorce,you know people is breakin up these days..lol
@kiki: sometimes I think he does things like that cause he gets bored from the monotonous grind of making a movie a week...
@MGV: yeah, and it ain't pretty!
@sftpg: I wanted to use that one and the cornrows from 'Formula 51', but could not find a good internet pic....
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