or this:
or heaven forbid, this:

gawtdayum, as amboogie would say.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I wouldn't get a nip tuck here and there...I am, after all, from California, and it is all but expected here, but it's called RESEARCH, people! Take the hour or so it must take to find out who Halle Berry or J-Lo's plastic surgeon is, instead of hauling your ass to Doctor 10035, I'm just sayin.
Of course, sometimes the look just comes naturally from the infamous Karma coming back to kick you in the back of your neck:
It pays to be nice, folkses.
Who is that in the third pic? Once I know that, I can ignore your request to "be nice" and comment fully.
thembi you're funny...that's Okra Winfrey's "best girl" Gail...tho this is probably the best she's ever looked.
girl the damn saddest part about it is that lil kim and vivica were already attractive women! What the hell????
and DAYUM is that Jasmine Guy or the Crypt keeper?!
"Okra Winfrey" is SO wrong. Jasmin Guy looks awful.
jasmin guy looks really scary as well as lil kim. but Vivica used to be my girl until she started messing with stuff. and Wesley c'mon man. when brothers gonna stop wearing hoop earings. lemme re-send the memo.
I cosign with Femigog...Lil Kim and Viv used to be very attractive ladies until they became addicted to the knife! And Jasmine Guy has always looked, well, "hard" in the face...age has not be kind to her AT ALL!
I'm gonna be nice and not say a word...whew! It's so hard! I will say that black women don't need plastic surgery, we are born gorgeous anyway. ;-)
Hope you feel better soon IW!!
I saw your comment on my blog. Thank you. And I must return the compliment. My blog wants to be like your blog when it grows up.
Anani Miss: Hell to the Naw
u aint neva lied.
do they even check if these surgeons are board certified? cuz damn.
That is not a goo0d look.
You can't be cheap when it comes to your face. Hell if you don't care for yourself, have a care for the general public that has to see your ugly mug.
Sorry you're not feeling too well, Invisible. I hope you feel better soon (er, try Tylenol Cold). Funny, Ima little under the weather too and haven't been feeling too well the last few days. All I could manage was a pretty small post today.
Anyhoo, LMAO at the pix. Lil Kim. Damn, man. That goes deeper than plastic surgery gone bad. Sumpin wrong there.
That European ideal is still favored; so much so that black women are willing to look like clowns in order to achieve it.
I was floored when they said Resse Witherspoon was the highest paid; just floored! I dunno who I thought it shoulda been, but I just wouldn't have expected it.
Feel better!
Feel better soon IW. I just got off of a cootie vacation myself. My son had the flu and gave it to me, I was miserable. Get some rest when you can. ~~Shelia
lmfao right now...
DAAAAYUM@Jasmine...so so sad! I knew the others had been fuggin up but I haven't seen any recent pics of JG till now. This is some scary ish.
And you do know you're soooo wrong for having ole boy in the background prayin for a filled-in hairline. LMAO
Get better! Sleep sleep sleep and plenty of liquids!
Though I am not an actress or even aspire to be one, actors are under pressure to look a certain way.
It is sad to see some lovely brothers and sisters have to succumb to the surgery but if it will help them get the next gig then I cannot hate.
But, I rather they use whatever money they have and invest it in other areas outside of Hollywood that is profitable so that they will have something to live off of instead of waiting for that wishful $20 million paycheck per film that many do not get.
[hmm, Julia Roberts get that but when will we see a sister up in that bracket?!]
Jasmine looks like an extra from a zombie movie......ewwwww
I pray that you are better and back to form soon! Those are some scary pics, man, especially Jasmine Guy. I used to love Vivica before she got with 50 and then I lost all respect. Gayle, whatever. Kim is plastic and nasty And Wesly... I don't even have the words!
damn they all look fucked up. especially kim & viv!
Thanks jennifer and shelia :-)...everybody else: I think it is a solid agreement that these women have gone too far; I included Gayle cause she has the most f--cked up wigs in black history, in her quest to look "assimilated". The sad part is, I think these woman have gone beyond the hope of finding a decent man---it would take a rare one to want to put up with this mess...
Oh my, Jasmine Guy is not aging well at all! I dont know what the hell is wrong with her - too much tanning in the 80s or something??
I feel bad that when I look at the photos that song by Whodini "The Freaks Come Out at Night" keeps going through my head. Yikes. This could be used as a public service annoucement against plastic surgery. Did Little Kim have her skin toned lightened? I didn't even recognize her. I thought she was more brown that that.
@lola: see my post today (tuesday). I am completely perplexed on what is going on there...
@ehav: that is a frequent subject of the gossip blogs, that Kim has lightened her skin...I agree with theblackactor, I think she's venturing into Mike Jackson territory...has to do more with what's inside than outside.
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