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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Iron Man Trailer

Speaking of Supernegro, I spotted this trailer over there, too. I saw a 1.5 second flash of Tangy Terrence Howard; so much for his "co-starring".


wanda loves... said...


Anonymous said...

I'm sure that Howard's character has a somewhat significant role - - or at least I hope so. The guy went on to become Iron Man after Tony Starks begins hitting the bottle too hard.

Anonymous said...

Well, that trailer was Robert Downey Jr. heavy anyway. Like Jay said, maybe he has a bigger part than the trailer showed.

And even if "Baby Wipes" only has like 10 minutes total in the movie.. I'll still see it for RD Jr (one of my white boy crushes, sorry.)... oh and for the riveting plot... that too. :)

The All Seeing Eye said...

Don't worry... Terrence Howard knows what he is doing. His eyes are on the larger role his character has in the Iron Man story. Terrence will be back for later movie installments of this soon to be franchise. This should be a good movie. It has some definite acting heavy-weights.

Invisible Woman said...

Thanks for clearing that up Jay and all seeing...Terrence is definitley waaay smarter with his career than hi personal life--at least his reps are, anyway.

@Tayo: I always love RDJ, even when he's in a crappy film. And for all his troubles, he is far and away more a fav than Terrence.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit I had my doubts about the casting of RDJ but damn after watching this for like 10 times I'm thinking he just might pull it off :).

Invisible Woman said...

I think so too!

Saladin said...

RDJ has the perfect range for Tony Starks: smug and cocky and then cracked out.

Terrence strikes me as being a little bit...prettier than Jim Rhodes. But we'll see.

And, damn, did they HAVE to turn it into an A-rab bad guys thing? I mean did they REALLY have to? Sigh...

Ehav Ever said...

From what I understand Terrance is supposed to play the character who becomes War Machine. Isn't Terrance also supposed to star in Luke Cage?

The clips looks really interesting. I may have to come back to America just to see this and The Dark Knight.

Invisible Woman said...

@saladin and ehav...did you guys read about who Terrence was supposed to play? Let me know...

Ehav Ever said...

Yeah according to imdb he plays Jim Rhodes. Jim Rhodes was War Machine in the comics.

Saladin said...

Also, back in the 80s when Tony Stark (Robert Downey) was having an alcoholic crisis, Jim Rhodes (Terrence Howard) stepped in and wore the Iron Man armor for a year or two -- don't know if that will figure into this plot.

Ehav Ever said...

There seems to be some talk that Jim Rhodes becoming Iron Man, or the War Machine may not happen in this film, but maybe in a sequel. In the comic Tony Stark and Jim Rhodes met in Vietnam. Tony Stark had been captured by the Viet Cong, and that is where he created the first Armor. Stark and Rhodes met when stark was escaping and Rhodes was a US Air Force pilot. Rhodes later became Stark's pilot, and then as Saladin mentioned when Stark became an alcoholic Rhodes became Iron Man for a while.

I think when they redid the story origins of Iron Man, the Avengers, etc. that instead of Vietnam they made it the Gulf War.

I just hope this movie isn't done like the Fantastic Four movies. I hated those movies.

Invisible Woman said...

I guess we'll just have to wait and see what this Hollywood version will be about.