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Monday, January 21, 2008

Over And Out....

This is not a political blog, but you know I go there sometimes.

The South Carolina Debate was a shameful travesty. I am officially so over Hillary Clinton. Her behavior has been heinous and inexcusable, and it's sickening to see her constantly trying to bait Obama and pull him down to new lows. Why does she focus absolutely zero of that negativity on John Edwards? If I used to give her some credit, it is now all forgotten and done. And it's not "about Obama being black", and me "blindly defending him", blah blah blah, like all of these empty talking heads say.

It is about respect, disrespect, professionalism, and unprofessionalism. Guess which ones Mrs. Clinton is dealing out in spades? (no pun intended)

Eff off, Hill.

rant over


AJ said...

I guess you watched the debate. LOL. That picture is hilarious.

The Obenson Report said...

Why does she focus absolutely zero of that negativity on John Edwards? Because he's not a threat. The race has been, and will eventually come down to she and Obama.

I've grown rather apathetic towards national "politricks." It's all just a game, and rather false, and quite a turn-off. We are all just simply pawns it would seem. Even the Obama camp is capable of similar strategies. The goal is to win at almost any cost.

Ah well... It's likely that a democrat will win the election, so, I can only hope that it actually makes a difference!

Yobachi said...


That reminds me that I need to find that debate online since I didn't bother to watch it last night.

Off to CSPANS site.

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ the pics.

Tee hee hee.

jon said...

It's her ideology that should scare you... what she considers medical waste (She thinks that your grandmother getting bypass surgery is medical waste. . . for all those people who think that universal healthcare is truly universal) and the hell that we would descend to under her desire to redistribute everyone's wealth but their own.

She frightens me and I look at my right to vote with new intensity.


jon said...

It's her ideology that should scare you... what she considers medical waste (She thinks that your grandmother getting bypass surgery is medical waste. . . for all those people who think that universal healthcare is truly universal) and the hell that we would descend to under her desire to redistribute everyone's wealth but their own.

She frightens me and I look at my right to vote with new intensity.


Shelia said...

HA! I love it! It soooo depicts what is going on right now. Sheer perfection!

Have a great day!~~Shelia

Invisible Woman said...

@aj, sheila, and baby please: I know right? That second one is especially timely after Obama said "I don't know who I'm running against, you are him" Touche'!

@TAO: I know that's the reason, but she could at least ATTEMPT to play it off a little bit. The way she was staring him down, it was so negative and ugly...quite frankly I was very disappointed in Hill. I hope there will be a change, certainly couldn't get much worse, unless we turn into a dictatorship (practically there now).

@jon: thanks for the info...and you're right, I'm even more scared now!

Anonymous said...


"Billary" lookin' cute.

Marvalus said...

That picture is so right on! LOL!

I've been over HRC and her bullshit (because that is exactly what it is)...

Bohemian Chick said...

LOL!! That second picture is crazy!

Don said...

dead @ that picture

So true.

Invisible Woman said...

darkbrotha and bhc: okaay?

@ms.m: sooooo disappointed in her